Archive for July, 2010
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July 27, 2010

Edgewater Hotel Madison, Wis.

July 26, 2010—

MADISON, Wis.—-I’ve found the perfect comfort zone at the Edgewater Hotel on Lake Mendota in Madison.And it is about to get bigger.

The hotel’s porthole windows and flowed, curving exterior lines in original brick and steel reminds me of South Beach. But this less LeBron James and more of the smooth soul of Etta James.

In May the city council approved plans to move ahead on major redevelopment of the property, which opened in 1948. Regular readers of my stuff in the Chicago Sun-Times and my blog know of my affinity of the Edgewater and its streamlined design that replicates a cruise ship.I love the hotel’s cute names like the [...]

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July 18, 2010

A Garden of Books

July 18, 2010—

I’ve spent some of the summer wandering around my father’s library in the dark basement of my parents Naperville home. His ample bunker has always been a work in progress. There are no finished walls, old sofas where you could’ve made out as a kid and his books are propped up on rows of steel shelving like rusty rakes.

Dad used to go downstairs a lot to absorb a cool still during these hot summer months. I also think his books took him to another time. Now he can no longer walk downstairs and has invited me and my brother to “take what we want.” My entire apartment is like his basement, so I don’t need many more books. I have books in my [...]

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July 18, 2010


Letterhead used by Disney Productions in 1968 to promote The Jungle Book.

Previously: Fantasia; Alice in Wonderland; Peter Pan; Snow White; Wonderful World of Color.

Walt Disney’s The Jungle Book, 1968 | Source

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