Archive for February, 2021
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February 28, 2021

When our film went missing from Amazon Prime

The late great Springfield, Mo, muralist Robert. E, Smith

Let’s say you assembled a team of friends to make a comprehensive documentary about some precious but overlooked musicians and the unique small-town community that surrounded them. You did this for love. Friends jumped in on faith and fellowship. It took more than seven years and $250,000 out of your own pockets to get this project to the finish line.

Last year, in the middle of a pandemic, you found a distributor who believed in the doc. Wow.

Many DIY documentaries don’t get that far.

Our documentary “The Center of Nowhere (The Spirit and Sounds of Springfield, Mo.)” got off to a [...]

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February 6, 2021

Danny Ray, Matador of Soul

We all need a soulful angel on our shoulders.

That was part of the resume of Danny Ray, the “Cape Man” for soul brother number one James Brown. Ray died of natural causes Tuesday in Augusta, Ga. He was 85 years old.

On Wednesday the James Brown Estate called Ray “the second hardest working man in show business.”

Ray served as master of ceremonies for the James Brown and the Famous Flames Revue, but he was best known for draping a flowing cape over a worn-out Brown in at the end of a concert.

In my career, I always tried to look beyond the stars. That’s how I wound up backstage with Ray after [...]

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