Route 66
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July 18, 2022

Revive 66 Campground: A Soft Place to Land


SPRINGFIELD, Mo.–Out on the west side of Springfield, Mo., there is a new campground called Revive 66. It is along a forsaken stretch of Route 66.  Some dreams died here. Others moved on. The campground is across the Chestnut Expressway from the Orchard Hills pharmacy and flower shop. The campground is adjacent to the Redwood Motel, a separately owned transient lodge where a sign suggests “Try Jesus.”

Revive 66 is a landing place for the homeless.

It is one of the most innovative projects to serve the homeless in America.

People sleep in one of 43 new solar-powered teardrop campers. It is the first solar-powered RV park in the United [...]

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January 24, 2021

Larry King of the Road

The road to find out & Larry King radio; 1991. The author at Santo Domingo Pueblo, N.M.


It sounds like a strange thing to bring Larry King into a conversation about the American road.

But I got hooked on Mr. King in the summer of 1991 when I drove Route 66 from Chicago to Santa Monica, Ca. I was alone and I took my time: Saint James, Mo., Stroud, Ok., Seligman, Az., etc. My soundtrack was country and soul music, regional baseball games, and Mr. King, who had a late-night show on the Mutual Broadcasting System.

Mr. King–who died Saturday at the age of 87–featured guest authors and [...]

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