Posts Tagged ‘Ruby’s Bar & Grill’
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July 30, 2012

Love at Coney Island

When a post card cost 3 cents.

July 29, 2012—

BROOKLYN, N.Y.—-I never thought I would see her again. In the early autumn of 2007 I  said so long and see ya’ later  to Ruby’s Bar & Grill. It was an amicable parting. She wanted to dress up and move into a higher plane. I wasn’t getting any younger and I still liked old stuff like hearing the Drifters sing “Up on the Roof” on her jukebox that skipped a beat in the thick summer air.

Ruby’s opened in 1934 and became the oldest bar on the Coney Island Boardwalk. She closed in November, 2010.

There was no fancy exit threshold. Ruby always opened up to the great possibilities of the Atlantic Ocean with the [...]

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